Publications in English

ENI (Emissionfree Network Infrastructure) is a foundation with 45+ members from the whole value chain of emission free heavy duty machinery. About half of our members are construction companies in the infrastructure sector, the other half consists of a.o. machinery dealers, converting companies, rental agencies, battery and genset producers.

We cooperate pre-competitively to speed up the development and availability of >20 tons Zeroemission (ZE) off-highway machinery and power production units. So far, we estimate a few hundred units to be used in the Netherlands, covering earth movement, foundation, asphalt and transportation. 

We cooperate with a wider range of stakeholder like the government, grid operators, public procurement organisations and industry associations. The Netherlands have a higher urgency to go ZE than other countries and we therefore see a substantial head start in such developments for Dutch organisations. 

Since dec 2022, we publish our work online in order to support development of safe and effective equipment even outside our member companies because the Dutch situation requires more openness and cooperation then traditionally possible in a market economy. Knowledge sharing is part of our core values and a requirement to companies that want to join ENI.  

Please find below some of our publications we have translated into English to increase our reach internationally now that other markets gain traction in this transition as well. 

First ever Zero Emission Charging test event

On November 25, 26 and 27, ENI, BMWT and ElaadNL will organize the first three-day test event for charging mobile electric construction equipment in the Elaad Testlab in Arnhem. 

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Development requirements for ZE construction equipment & markets

This document aims to summarize the design requirements for zero emission machinery. These emerged from the real world experience gained by front-runners in the Netherlands since 2020. We also added the lessons learned relating to (public) clients in the Netherlands and how they can effectively stimulate the transition towards Zero Emission constructions.

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ENI explains changing cost drivers with Zero Emisison constructions

Costs are key in constructions and Zero Emission constructions are more costly at the moment than conventional work. That hopefully changes in the future, but we have to deal with new cost drivers today. For producers and converting companies of equipment, it is key to understand the reality of its customers. ENI explains them in this animation and also offers its view on why diesel driven constructions are too cheap to start with. 

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ENI at Innovatrix conference ZE Off-Highway machinery

ENI has been invited to share our experiences at this international conference. We will attend in cooperation with Bouwend Nederland to support the scale-up of the ZE market of which the Dutch construction sector will benefit substantially.  

Berlin Germany on 22-23 May 2024

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The ENI OEM webinar - the Dutch case of ZE construction works (RECORDING)

This recording of the first international ENI webinar explains why the transition to Zero Emission construction work is in full swing in the Netherlands, where we invest heavily in the development of electric construction machinery. Find here also the viewers' questions and answers.

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Risk register Emmision-free Network Infra

This risk register has been drawn up in order to provide insight into the most commonly occurring, general risks and mitigation measures with regard to emission-free building site machinery. It is particularly intended as a reference guide and discussion document. When emission-free machines are deployed in a project, the risks must be separately assessed for the specific project. This document may serve as the basis for that purpose.

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Recommendation for working agreements and Standards regarding the Connectivity of installations at an Emission- free Building site (known as SCEB)

In a unique ecosystem of front-runners, ENI (Emission-free Network Infra) is working on the development of emission-free building sites. Members include contractors, suppliers, energy companies, lessors and machine manufacturers.

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Recommendation for minimum standards and expectations of (converted) electrical building site machinery

Recommendation for minimum standards and expectations of (converted) electrical building site machinery > 125 kW

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Value creation of emission


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Lessons learned from ENI follow-on projects

From the start, ENI has followed a number of infrastructure projects that have started working with emission-free equipment.

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REPORT - Real World Insights into the emerging discipline of Zero Emission Constructions

With this paper, we want to disseminate the experiences and insights that have been produced in the last two years to help parties in other countries to learn from those ZE pioneers. We specifically address the OEM manufacturer community, electricity utilities companies and public purchasers of construction works to take those valuable real-life insights on board.

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