Publications in English

ENI (Emissionfree Network Infrastructure) is a foundation with 45+ members from the whole value chain of emission free heavy duty machinery. About half of our members are construction companies in the infrastructure sector, the other half consists of a.o. machinery dealers, converting companies, rental agencies, battery and genset producers.

We cooperate pre-competitively to speed up the development and availability of >20 tons Zeroemission (ZE) off-highway machinery and power production units. So far, we estimate a few hundred units to be used in the Netherlands, covering earth movement, foundation, asphalt and transportation. 

We cooperate with a wider range of stakeholder like the government, grid operators, public procurement organisations and industry associations. The Netherlands have a higher urgency to go ZE than other countries and we therefore see a substantial head start in such developments for Dutch organisations. 

Since dec 2022, we publish our work online in order to support development of safe and effective equipment even outside our member companies because the Dutch situation requires more openness and cooperation then traditionally possible in a market economy. Knowledge sharing is part of our core values and a requirement to companies that want to join ENI.  

Please find below some of our publications we have translated into English to increase our reach internationally now that other markets gain traction in this transition as well. 

Value creation of emission




  • Realisa7on of projects (no limita7ons due to emissions)

  • Compliance with legisla7on and regula7ons

  • Extended working hours (due to low noise levels)


  • Quickly growing market (emission-free machinery)

  • Increased range available

  • Development of exper7se (interna7onal applicability)

  • Sustainable compe77ve advantage


  • Less absenteeism through illness (due to vibra7ons, noise, etc.)

  • Sustainably deployable machines (future proof)

  • Lower energy and maintenance costs


  • No air pollu7on (NOx, par7culate pollu7on)

  • Less noise hinder


  • Contribu7on to Climate Agreement CO2 targets

  • Contribu7on to Clean Air Agreement

  • Realisa7on of projects (no limita7ons due to emissions)

  • Employment (growth in emission-free working)

  • Knowledge and experience (developing, sharing and export)


  • No harmful emissions

  • No use of fossil fuels


  • No polluted air in working area

  • Less vibra7ons

  • Less exposure to noise and harmful substances

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