
The ENI OEM webinar - the Dutch case of ZE construction works (RECORDING)


The transition to Zero Emission construction work is in full swing. At least in the Netherlands, where we invest heavily in the development of electric construction machinery.

The Dutch off-highway market transition is fueled by the strict nature conservation laws around Natura2000 area’s, where additional nitrogen oxides deposition is often prohibited. That makes the combustion engine a no-go technology. Policies with regard to air pollution in build-up areas, climate mitigation targets and occupational health objectives give additional reasons to speed up the electrification of the construction sector.

As machinery in the heavier categories (>120 kWh) is currently not available from OEM producers directly, the conversion industry in the Netherlands is growing by the day. Nonetheless, the Dutch market needs OEMs to deliver heavy machinery in emission free models in quickly increasing numbers if we are to succeed with this transition. 

During this webinar ENI host Tobias Stöcker talked with our guests about:

  • why this transition is so essential and urgent based on our legislative context.
  • that the public clients as well as private construction companies are committed and already investing heavily.
  • what we have learned from our daily ZE operations about the requirements for safe and effective solutions.

Find the download link of the viewers' questions and ENI answers below the video.  

FInd below the animation that is shown at the end of the webinar:

Many thanks to our guests:

  • Arno Visser; chairman of the Industry association of the construction and infrastructure sector (Bouwend Nederland) (video message)
  • Arjan Walinga; expert of Bouwend Nederland regarding the Zero Emission transition
  • Erik Wagener; director of HWBP, the public alliance between 21 waterboards and the national Rijkswaterstaat. HWBP is charged to reinforce 1500 km of dykes by 2050.
  • Gerard van der Veer; Head of equipment and innovation at GMB.
  • Dick van de Laar; Director of VolkerWessels Equipment & Logistics
  • Baerte de Brey; Chief International Officer at ELAAD, the competence centre of power grid operators for charging solutions in the mobility and off-highway sector.

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